Our Story

Let's start by prefacing - we didn't like vodka, nor did we drink it!
To us, VODKA SUCKED, it was an ingredient, not a spirit!

We both enjoyed sipping spirits like mezcal, whiskey, and scotch but recognized a glaring void in vodka. It needed DEPTH.

We wanted to change the perception of vodka and give it life, story and foundation - and, let's be honest, we wanted to create something we LOVED to drink!

Determined to reinvent the spirit, we spent NINE YEARS immersed in research and dedication to the craft, doing things our way. The result was MEILI - and we're excited to share it with you.

So, let's raise a glass to this incredible AWARD-WINNING spirit. You may not believe in UNICORNS - (we didn't either) but MEILI proved they are REAL!

A signature

Blaine Halvorsen

A signature

Jason Momoa


The Beauty Within the Process

The essence of MEILI emanates from Water, Earth, Air and Fire.

MEILI is more than Vodka


It's Everything in Life & Everything in Spirits.

Gathered from a 300 million year old aquifer in Montana, our natural unfiltered spring water is one of the purest available in the United States, according to the EPA standards. Our water is our Unicorn.


Outstanding Grains Create the Best Spirit

MEILI uses fresh proprietary grains from our Montana Farms, distilling just once. Why strip our beautiful kernals of everything that makes them unique? Taste the smooth, refreshing, sweet grain - not the burn.


Left to Breathe & Aged to Perfection

We allow our spirit to age and breathe before bottling, resulting in the smoothest flavor profile and harmonizing each ingredient. There is always beauty with age.


This is Real Sustainability

Each bottle of MEILI is made from 100% Post-Consumer Recycled Glass - where no two bottles are identical. Our message lies within every bottle; our vision lives through our a glass. This is recycling reimagined.

MEILI Mission

Recyling, Reimagined

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